Monday 28 October 2013

Grayson Perry's The Vanity of Small Differences

Friday evening Kandy and I made our way to Manchester Art Gallery to see the latest Grayson Perry exhibition, a series of large tapestries entitled 'The vanity of Small Differences'.

They involve some form of craft, are brightly coloured AND about class, so of course I am going to love them!

Inspired by Hogarth's A rake's Progress (a series of 18th century paintings about someone who comes into a lot of money, wastes it and ends up having a shitty life). Perry's series see's someone make a lot of money, try to transcend their class, end up a bit of an idiot and then eventually die.
Also taking inspiration from Perry's time making channel 4's All in the Best Possible Taste...' series, documenting class and how it affects the things we do/eat/wear etc.

We didn't spend too long or get to look at the process of the tapestries, as we went too close to closing time and got ushered out. But we will most likely go back.

It's definitely worth a visit. Also if you go in the next week or so, you can still catch Alison Erika Forde's The Tallest of Tales exhibition!

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